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Friday, 5 February 2016

What I've Learnt So Far...

I know I’m only 19 and I’ve still got a lot to learn, but there are a few things I’ve learnt over the past few years and I thought there’s no harm in sharing. I’m not really one for sticking to New Year Resolutions, I’ll happily make them and feel really proud of myself for trying to make a difference but by the second week of January they’re all but forgotten. So instead I thought I’d reminisce in the hopes it will have a positive effect in the future.

I feel as though I should just say that by no means have I completely mastered these points, but it’s something to think about and work on over time.

  • ·         Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously:
Yes it’s easier said than done, and I still struggle with it – it’s not something you can just switch off. If you chill just a little bit it’ll not only improve your mood and opinion of yourself, but it will be a great quality that appeals to other people. No one likes tiptoeing on eggshells in case someone takes something a bit too serious. Time doesn’t work in our favour so make sure you make the most of it and have as much fun as possible.

  • ·         First Impressions can be Deceiving:

When I came to university (I’m currently in my 2nd year), everyone gets their chance at a first impression. Some can be pretty spot-on, but others can be a front that will eventually crack – no one can keep it up forever. It’s ok to be a little naïve and give people the benefit of the doubt, there’s really nothing else you can do. But if you start to notice a change, and not a good change its ok to cut those strings a little loose. You’re under no obligation to be their best friend, trust me, I learnt the hard way!

  • ·         Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff:

I am by no means close to mastering this yet. This is probably one of the things I struggle with most and it’s not something you can just switch off. I am hugely guilty of worrying and stressing about the small things and overanalysing everything. The weekends are the worse time for me – I’m usually bundled up in my room, mostly on my own thinking back over conversations I had with someone at the beginning of the week, “did I say something wrong?”, “maybe they misunderstood me”, “should I have said that?”. By the Monday morning everything’s back to usual and the conversations of last week are completely forgotten, and I feel like a complete idiot for wasting so much time on something pointless.

  • ·         Quality not Quantity:

I’ve always had insecurities about my personality – am I funny enough? Am I interesting enough? Do I talk too much? Am I too quiet? So when I moved away to uni and was presented with a clean slate I made it my mission to know everyone. I thought everyone was my friend and I was theirs. But it got to a point where I was getting upset because of the people I considered friends – it still happens now but there are just some ties I can’t cut loose no matter how unhealthy the relationship. Summer was a very much needed break where I came to realize I was spreading myself too thin! When I started at uni I switched courses, meaning I had the chance to meet more people. I also tried to keep in touch with all these people, which lead to me having a huge fear of being left out – this would get me down all the time. But sometimes it’s ok to take a break, and if they’re your real friends they’ll be there for you when you get back. So choose your friends wisely and they’ll stick with you forever.

  • ·         Everything Happens for a Reason:

My mum would always say this to me, and I’d shrug it off not really appreciating the meaning when I was younger. Now that I’ve grown up a bit and moved away from home, it holds a much stronger meaning and it’s something I live by. I don’t have many beliefs, but this holds a lot of meaning for me. I’m not saying everyone agrees but it’s definitely one for me.

  • ·         Be Your Own Person:

Don’t be boring and follow the crowd! Everyone has their group of friends but what’s stopping you from being the Phoebe of the group. It’s never a bad thing to be a bit quirky and you’ll probably be grateful for being different in the future – it builds character, working towards a bigger picture and helping to find the real you!

  • ·         You Can Reach the Biscuits on the Top Shelf:

Basically, if the biscuits are on a really high shelf and you don’t think you’re going to be able to reach them you need to believe that you can – and you will! Either grab a chair, or climb on the counter, anything. Apply this to everyday situations and you’ll accomplish more than you think you could. Just always remember the biscuits!

If you want another similar blog post to read, from a slightly more experienced blogger and general human being, Inthefrow has a great post to check out.


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